Conversations that build

that build.



Psychotherapy | it’s just talk

Building a good life is a team effort. A steady balance of push and pull. Questions and solutions. Camaraderie and curiosity. Fortunately for you, you’ve just met a woman whose quest is to help you move forward, and find some joy in doing so.

I’m here to do great work with people who are willing to talk about and do hard things. Emotions are hard. We can talk about that. Change is hard. We can move toward that . . . after we validate. And also, laughter. I’m not attached to being right but to getting it right. We will celebrate what you contribute and each success and then I help lift your eyes to what needs doing next. You have a lot to give—I can help you elevate internally so you can give it and let that light shine. For yourself, all those you care about, and ultimately the whole world. Lord knows it could use a little more light.

“Hope is always accompanied by the imagination, the will to see what our physical environment seems to deem impossible. Only the creative mind can make use of hope. Only a creative people can wield it.”

—Jericho Brown

My name is Carin. I’m creative, insightful, and relentless.
I might be your kind of people and you might be mine. Let’s connect.


Schedule consultation

All potential clients receive a free consultation to ensure a good fit. This is where to begin.

The journey is on.jpg


I struggle trusting therapists. Carin is engaging and relaxed, I was comfortable with her right away. I blew up my life last year. and Carin helped me put the pieces together. Now I understand how to stay where I want to be. I am deeply grateful.
— AMY B.
Carin asked questions that made me think. She’s non-judgmental, warm and brutal — and I mean that in the best way. She is NOT invested in making you comfortable, but comfort isn’t what gets you where you want to be. I conquered intense anxiety issues with moderate depression and big experiences of rage and now don’t need to see her every week, and she celebrated that with me! I’ve never had a therapist be glad we could stop meeting every week. She worked with me until I got where I wanted to go, then wished me all the best and is letting me fly.
— M
Carin took me from ‘uncomfortable in all the emotions’ to being able to allow them to just be until I can calm and think - all without making choices I regret. It’s freedom. Working these things out is freedom. That’s what you get when you work with Carin.
— C.C.
I wanted to learn how to lead myself so I could better lead others - my team at work and my family. Carin taught me how.
— M.W.



It’s my job to work myself out of a job.
I work with clients only for as long as is necessary, never more than 2 years. After 12+ years in this work I’ve learned that if I allow a longer timeframe, we compromise quality of work simply to extend the time. This approach gives us both a sense of urgency to get what’s necessary completed.

I conduct honest service. The only time we talk about money is at the beginning, when we both decide to commit to working together, then never again.


About Me

MY NAME IS carin (care-in)

I hail from a town in eastern SDakota. First love was basketball. After knees wrecked, discovered art, music, and theater. Earned a B.A. in graphic design and was in the advertising/marketing world for 10 years. Moved to San Diego, CA to chase a music dream, then to Houston, TX and Ft. Lauderdale, FL. During the last year+ of my design career, I struggled with performance anxiety around work. Pivoted careers, moved my artistic sensibilities from the visual world to the interpersonal world. Creativity is the binding thread I use, it helps weave my client’s psychological spaces together bringing all the disparate pieces into an integrated tapestry. It is important work and I love what I do.

I hold a M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Bethel University (St. Paul, MN) and a license as a Professional Clinical Counselor. At Bethel I sought to learn how to integrate spiritual understanding and practice with human psychology. Growing up in a conservative evangelical (Baptist) family as a gay woman was foundational to my current mission to help healing in and for all. If you have found yourself on the outside—maybe even disconnected from your self—I can help you heal and develop your home inside yourself. I can be your expert guide because I know the process both professionally and personally.